Find and document your Sephardic origin. Reclaim your Jewish legacy. Make sense of your family history.
Find and document your Sephardic origin. Reclaim your Jewish legacy. Make sense of your family history.

We carry out a preliminary evaluation of your order at no cost, we prepare a work project and provide a budget adjusted to the evaluation. Once the research is finished, you will be provided with a written report, genograms and the corresponding documentary back-ups with the necessary transcriptions.
We prepare reports for nationality applications, in accordance with the applicable law. Also, rectifications in the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) and reports for evaluation in the Israelite Community of Lisbon (CIL).
The laws of naturalization for descendants of Sephardim in Spain and Portugal are intended both to redress a historical injustice and to recognize a cultural heritage that, if not hidden, was undervalued by the history of the dominant Christian populations. However, in many cases, this heritage was tenaciously kept by succeeding Sephardic generations or, even if it was lost in the course of time, some distant echoes were preserved in the families.
Sefarad was the geographical space of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), where the Jewish communities, or Sephardim, were settled since ancient times. In the fifteenth century, they were expelled from both kingdoms: 1492 in Castile, and 1496 in Portugal. Such a context of persecution and annihilation, articulated by the peninsular Inquisitions, led both to a movement of Jews and Jewish converts across the two kingdoms, which consolidated the existence of Spanish-Portuguese families and lineages, and to an international diaspora that ended up in a tragic tearing apart of family and/or land of origin.
Thus, it was only fair that contemporary laws protected the nationalizations of the Sephardic descendants, expelled from Sefarad, their land, in the Iberian Peninsula.